14/02/2019 and 28/02/2019 – METEORITES SHORT COURSE

Last 14th and 28th of February took place the Meteorites Short Course organized by the Barcelona SGA-SEG Student Chapter and given by Dr. Jordi Llorca and David Allepuz at the Faculty of Earth Sciences of the University of Barcelona.

First of all, we want to thank all participants: it was a great experience for us to organize this course and we received very positive comments from all the assistants.

The course was divided in two days. The first day consisted in a theoretical session in which David Allepuz and Dr. Jordi Lorca introduced different terms related to the classification of meteorites and its characterization. They also detailed the procedure they follow in order to sample meteorites and explained their own experiences during the field trips around the world, as well as the excitement they still feel nowadays when they find a meteorite. A place where they usually find meteorites is the Atacama Desert, Chile. The way they did the conference was easy to follow, especially for those who didn’t have any knowledge about the topic.

The second day of the course was for the practical session. In this occasion, we had the chance to take a look at a great number of thin sections, corresponding to different typologies, with optical microscopy. This way it was possible to apply the terms we learned during the theoretical session for the description of the samples. The thin sections were part of the collection available at the Faculty of Earth Science of the University of Barcelona.


The course participants exposed their opinions and said they found the course very interesting. However, they lament the lack of time provided to study the samples considering the amount of samples available.

To conclude, we want to thank David Allepuz and Dr. Jordi Lorca for the interest and dedication they put to organize this short course.

Don't you miss the image gallery about this course: http://www.meteorits.cat/ciencia/FacGeologia.htm